Themenstrang: »Forschung«

Referent_in: Francesco Paolo Colucci

Tag/Zeit: Donnerstag, 15.9.2016, 10:00–12:00 Uhr

A Research into Scholar Disruption in Arab-Israeli Schools

This action research was based on the paradigm of Lewin (1946). The decision to undertake it was a follow-up to a training required by the centers for educational psychology at Iksal and Kana in Galilee. Its aim was to reduce open (drop-outs) and hidden disruption and, in conjunction, change the practices of psychologists from individual clinical and diagnostic (ADHD, Learning Disabilities) interventions to psychosocial interventions aimed at groups.

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Themenstrang: »Forschung«

Referent_in: Francesco Paolo Colucci

Tag/Zeit: Mittwoch, 14.9.2016, 16:00–18:00 Uhr

Links with other Theoretical Perspectives

Critical psychology became known in Italy through the translation in 1974 of Holzkamp’s Kritische Psychologie (1972). It was widely read because it dealt with a topical issue of the time: the challenge to the psychology labelled as „bourgeois science“. However, though deriving from Berlin Critical Psychology, in Italy it took on its own characteristics as it developed in an original way links with the Cultural Historical School and, in particular, the Tätigkeitstheorie of Leont’ev – author more widely known in Italy than in other western European countries due to cultural relationship with the USSR. The main characteristic of Italian Critical Psychology is that it – less ideological and abstract than Berlin Critical Psychology – addressed problems existing in the world of work, in psychiatric institutions and in communities.

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Ferienuni Kritische Psychologie 2016 using Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz adapted by Stefan Meretz
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